YoungSoo Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pharmacy
Yonsei Univiersity

연세대학교 약학대학 약학과 김영수 교수

(겸) 바이오융합공학과, (겸) 제약산업학협동과정. (겸) 융합과학공학부


Brief Bio

Kim completed his B.A. degree in biochemistry from New York University in 2001, with Professor Young-Tae Chang as an undergraduate research advisor. He then studied bioorganic chemistry under the supervision of Professor Kim D. Janda at Scripps Research and obtained his Ph.D. degree in chemistry in 2006.

In 2006, Kim joined Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) as a research scientist. In 2010, after his military service duty, he became a principal investigator of Brain Science Institute at KIST and associate professor of biological chemistry at Korea University of Science and Technology (UST). In 2017, he moved to Yonsei University as an assistant professor of bio-convergence (ISED) and pharmacy. In 2020, he was promoted to an associate professor of pharmacy.

In addition to Department of Pharmacy, Kim is affiliated in three other departments of Yonsei; Integrated Science and Engineering Division (ISED), of Underwood International College (UIC), Department of Integrative Biotechnology, and Graduate Program of Industrial Pharmaceutical Sciences. Kim is also an adjunct professor of POSTECH. 

Kim is a co-founder and CSO of Amyloid Solution Inc.

Curriculum Vitae


Current and Past Full-Time Positions

External Committees and Boards
